Thursday, March 10, 2011

Papusi crosetate - suporturi de bijuterii mici / Crocheted dolls - display dolls

Pentru a face fotografii la cercei, pandantive si bratari, am crosetat o papusa con. Mi se pare tare simpatica cu cerceii ca niste codite de fetita si bratarile puse pe post de centura. :D Mai am o papusa stilizata, ca o sculptura in abanos, dar inca nu e gata. O voi posta in curand. M-am gandit ca trebuie facut un suport de bijuterii si pe negru pentru cerceii si accesoriile realizate in culori deschise.
For a better display of the earrings, pendants and bracelets, I crocheted a cone doll. I find it very cute with the earrings like girly's pig-tales and bracelets on the waist like a belt. :D I have another model doll, like an ebony sculpture, but still a work in progress. I'll post it soon. I thought of a black display for jewelry in bright colors.

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