Ma tot gandeam cum si din ce sa fac un manechin - torso - pentru Barbie, pentru hainele si bijuteriile sale. Asa cam am apelat tot la preferata mea, printre altele :D, tehnica papier mache. Si asta a iesit.
I was thinking how and of what can I make a torso mannequin for Barbie, for her clothes and her jewelry. So I came to my favorite technique, among others :D, papier mache technique. And this came out.
papusi Barbie, Barbie dolls, scara 1/6, scale 1:6, fashion dolls, Steffi Love, Momoko like, doll clothes, hainute pentru papusi, tricotate, cu margele, knitted, with beads, accesorii crosetate, crocheted accessories, skill, dibacie, manechin torso, torso mannequin, papier mache technique, tehnica papier mache
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