Saturday, July 7, 2012

Bebelus de zana vacuta / Cow fairy baby

Un pui de zana in costum de vacuta. Vesel si pus pe glume ca toti ceilalti, frati si surori. Cu pete negre si sclipiri de magie aurie, cu codita si urechiuse simpatice. Cornitele sunt si la propriu si la figurat, la modul cel mai adorabil posibil. :)
Zic ca merita cele 9 ore de lucru (in medie cam atat este necesar pentru a crea un bebe de zana).
A fairy baby in cow costume. Joyful and naughty as all the others, brothers and sisters. With black spots and sparkles of golden magic, with funny tail and ears. It has horns, by the way, literally AND figuratively, in the most possible adorable way. :)
I say it deserves those 9 hours of work (the average of time in witch a fairy baby comes to life).

art dolls, papusi de colectie, flower babies, bebe floricica, flower fairies, zana florilor, fairy baby, bebelus zana, bebelus de zana, pui de zana, baby costume, costum de bebelus, collectible, de colectie, OOAK, unicat, amigurumi, dibacie, skill, minibaby, minibebelus, miniatura, miniature

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