Sunday, February 21, 2010

Despre tatting / About tatting

Cateva cuvinte despre tatting

tatted = dantela lucrata in maniera tatting.
tatting = 1. Dantela lucrata manual in puncte de picou si nod realizate dintr-un singur fir infasurat pe o naveta mica.
2. Actiunea sau arta de a face o asemenea dantela.

Cu alte cuvinte este un fel de festonare a firului, iar piciorul festonului este alcatuit din doua puncte de feston fata in fata. La festonarea unei margini de material folosim doar o orientare a unui punct de feston. Mereu infigem acul din fata spre spatele materialului. Dar daca am infige acul o data in fata materialului si a doua oara in spatele lui, am obtine un punct cu fata catre directia de lucru si unul cu fata catre primul punct - asta este o pereche - doua liniute sub o arcada. La fel festonam si un anou in tatting. Cel putin piciorusul de tatting iese la fel ca o pereche de puncte de feston lucrata pe marginea unui material, cum a descris mai sus.

Naveta pentru tatting
Exista mai multe tipuri, dar acestea doua sunt cel mai des utilizate. Unele navete au si un varf de croseta, foarte util.
tatting shuttle = naveta pentru tatting;
bobin tatting shuttle = naveta pentru tatting cu mosorel;

O alta varianta de tatting este cea realizata pe ac, si care permite folosirea unei ate mai scurte, pentru proiecte mai mici (ex.: cercei, pandantive sau alte motive mici care se vor uni prin picouri pentru a crea unul mai mare) deoarece firul ce trece prin noduri se rasuceste si se scamoseaza daca e folosit prea mult si se poate rupe.
Aceasta metoda se numeste needle tatting.
Aici gasiti un model cu explicatii si fotografii.
Iar aici gasiti un mic dictionar.

Am fost intrebata ce ace folosesc pentru needle tatting si de unde pot fi cumparate.
Folosesc ace din comert. Am cautat ace cat mai lungi si potrivite atei cu care lucrez. Nu folosesc ace speciale, pentru ca nu am gasit. Cele pentru needle tatting sunt mai lungi decat acele normale din comert, au varful bont si aceeasi grosime de la varf la coada (inclusiv urechea acului). Dar puteti incerca orice ac lung si gros cat firul cu care lucrati pentru a avea un rezultat frumos si ordonat. Dar trebuie sa si strangeti ata cat permite, apoi sa faceti un nodulet tot strans. Spor la treaba!

Daca mai aveti intrebari si mai vreti alte lamuriri referitoare la tatting cu care eu va pot ajuta, nu ezitati sa imi scrieti un e-mail sau folositi casuta de chat cand sunt online.
Nu sunt specialista, dar am studiat mult domeniul. Inca invat. ;)
A few words about tatting

Tatted = lace worked in such manner.
Tatting = 1. Handmade lace fashioned by looping and knotting a single strand of heavy-duty thread on a small hand shuttle.
2. The act or art of making such lace.

In other words, it is like when you make a buttonhole stitch point on the thread, and the stitch's point is made of two points facing each other. When you stitch an edge of a material you use only one orientation af the stitch. You always stick the needle from the front of the material to the back. If you stick the needle in the material alternating sides once in the front and once in the back of the material, you'll get a stitch facing the working direction and one facing the first stitch - this is a pair - two lines under an arch. This is also a way to tatt a ring of thread or other materials. At least the tatting stitch looks just like a pair of buttonhole stitches on the edge of a material, worked like I described before.

The tatting shuttle
There are several types, but these two are most commonly used. Some shuttles have a crochet nose, verry useful.
tatting shuttle
bobin tatting shuttle

A variation of tatting is the needle tatting, and it allows a short thread, for smaller projects (eg: earrings, pendants and other small motifs to join through picots to create a larger one) because the thread that is passing through knots is twisting and shreding if is used too much and it can tear.
This method is called needle tatting.
Here you find a motif with pattern and pictures.
And here you'll find a small dictionary.

I was asked what needles I use for needle tatting and where they can be bought.
I use needles you can find in commerce. I searched a long needle and suitable for the thread I work with. I don't use special needles, because I didn't found. Those for needle tatting are longer than the usual ones, they have a blunt tip and the same thikness from the tip to the end of the nedle (that includes the needle's ear). But you can try any long needle and thick as the thread you work with to get a nice and tidy result. But you also have to pull the thread as much as it allows and make a tight knot too. Enjoy tatting!

If you have any questions and want further clarifications about tatting and I can help you, please feel free to write me an email or use my chat box when I am online.
I am no specialist, but I have studied much this domain. I'm still learning. ;)


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