M-am plictisit la un moment dat de facut poze la bijuterii pe diverse dispozitive, si discutand cu supertalentata dragonfly care a incercat la randul ei diverse idei, am ajuns la concluzia ca trebuie sa fac niste busturi ca nu se mai poate. Asa ca am pus mana pe o coala de hartie, rigla si creion si
am calculat tipar, am decupat din carton, am lipit de m-am plictisit si a iesit ce vedeti mai sus.
Am facut cele 2 busturi care au o rezistenta buna pentru bijuterii de la 3 straturi de aracet si 2 de lavabila. Sunt foarte usoare, se curata cu un servetel umed sau uscat, pot fi folosite ca suport de lucru pentru pictura, decupaj, tehnica servetelului etc. Am sa postez cateva exemple in timp.
Muncesti la unul de te plictisesti k trebuie sa ai rabdare sa se usuce fiecare strat, sa fixezi forma, sa nu iti iasa ondulat aiurea. Apoi incepe alta munca: decorarea, daca vrei sa faci un obiect de arta din el.
Celui mic i-am pictat si i-am lacuit capacul. De fapt, este o imitatie de capac. :D Bordura este aplicata. ;)
One day I got tiered to take pictures of my jewelry o various displays and talking with the super-talented dragonfly who tried also different ideas, I got to the conclusion that I have to make some busts 'cause it's a loss. So I took a piece of paper, the ruler and a pencil and I projected a pattern, I cutout of cardboard, I glued for 100 years (white glue) and came out what you can see above.
I made these 2 busts witch are strong enough to hold easily the jewelry with 3 layers of glue and 2 of washable paint. They are light, it's easy to clean with a whet tissue or a dry one, they can be used as support for painting, the napkin technique, decoupage etc. I will post a few examples in time. It's a boring work in a way 'cause you have to wait for the glue to dry at each layer, you have to fix the shape of the torso 'cause it can dry badly waved. Then you start another kind of work: decoration, to make an object of art of it.
The little one has the cap painted and varnished. Actually it is a imitation of wooden cap. :D The border is glued around. ;)
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