Guleras calduros fi frumos, simplu si elegant, foarte practic, care se inchide in lateral cu capse ascunse si in fata are o limba de fular, gen cravata. Se poate accesoriza cu un ac de cravata, o brosa, o clema cu floare crosetata prinse de cravata sau oriunde (in par, pe caciula din dotare :D). Este un accesoriu pentru stilul clasic, modern, vintage, elegant si ma mai gandesc sa va mai enumar. :)
A warm and beautiful scarfette, simple and elegant, very practical, witch closes in the side with hidden snaps and in front has a "tongue" like a scarf, like a necktie. It can be accessorized with a tie pin, a brooch, a hair-clip with crocheted flower on the tie or some where else (in your hair, on the beanie). It is an accessory for classic, modern, vintage, elegant style and if I'll think about it more I'll come with a few more. :)
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