Un alt jurnal-bijuterie, in care Barbie isi poate nota gandurile pe care vrea sa le tina mereu in siguranta si aproape. Este la fel de utilizabil, in proportie de 100%. Se deschide si se inchide simplu, cu ajutorul siretului. :D
Another jewelry-journal, in which Barbie can write the thoghts that she wants to keep always safe and close to her . It is just as usable as the others, 100%. It opens and closes simple, with the lace. :D
jurnal, bijuterii jurnal, diary, jewelry journals, accesorii papusi Barbie, Barbie doll accessories, martisor, trinket, dibacie, skills, accesorii crosetate, crocheted accessories, marturie, favor, nunta, botez, wedding, baptism
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